(044) 584-28-24  
Velyka Zhytomyrska Str. 33, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine

Price certificate, expert opinion, price expertise, calculation-justification of price conformity

The right of chambers of commerce and industry to conduct expert examination and control over quality, quantity, completeness of goods (including imported ones) and determination of their value is expressly provided by Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine" ¹ 671 / 97-VR dated 02.12.1997, and expert documents issued by chambers of commerce and industry within the limits of their powers are mandatory for application throughout Ukraine.

Types of prices: world, exchange, reference, export, import, indicative prices, quotations, etc. for raw materials, products, equipment, etc. on the market of Ukraine or on world markets, etc.

For whom:

  • Market participants - to substantiate the market value of products; to argue in disputes with regulatory authorities.
  • Tender Committees - for analysis / calculation of the expected value of the purchased goods
  • Bidders - to confirm that the price offer corresponds to the market price level, to confirm the fact of price change at the market
  • Exporters / importers - to confirm foreign trade prices

Expert opinions and price certificates issued by the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry are accepted for consideration by:

  • tender committees
  • tax authorities
  • customs authorities
  • judiciary and law enforcement agencies

* Download the application form